Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pakistani army killed by US and pak is crying foul

Act 1
Pakistani forces see enemy they start shooting. Then their friends start crossing the border to take care of their mission against enemy. In this case the enemy happens to be India and years was 1999. Then next day announce that Indian troops started the unprovoked firing and call uncle Sam to put pressure on India. India does nothing fearing larger war and bowing to US pressure. India pleads to US in the next high level meeting with US to stop there terrorists and US does not want to interfere in political problems and freedom struggle. Terrorists go scot free.

Act II - Deja vu.
Pakistani forces see enemy they start shooting. Their friends start crossing the border to take care of their mission against the enemy. But this time the country is Afghanistan and Enemy is US and year is 2008. US forces call in air strikes because they can and kill a bunch of "professional soldiers". Pakistani cries fowl and puts US on the defensive. Terrorists go scot free.

Is there a lesson to be learned here ..

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