Monday, December 8, 2008

There nothing called recession in land of "Pork"

CNN reported that "Mayors want funds to fix their cities". I know I sound like a guy who is never going to be happy. I don't trust any politician. The fact that most of them are former attorneys isn't exactly a very helpful to earn trust. This is moment is rife with opportunities for irregularities. Because public and the market are anxiously waiting for the government to act "quickly and decisively".

Lets lets look at a few scenarios:
  1. The contract was over priced: Our Governor chose to give the contract to company that could get going with project in the most expeditious manner.
  2. A no bid contract was awarded to Haliburton: Our secretary of transportation had to act on a war footing to organization that had the most experience in doing the full spectrum of the project (including what the government's was supposed to be doing).
  3. A project was ill conceived: (if they every agree to their mistakes) We worked across the aisle and put together a bipartisan plan with the knowledge and expertise available at that time. We active with interest of the public in our mind and the economic downturn has changed the conditions.
  4. Newly constructed structure has serious design flaws: Contractors fault, Opposition party had cut the funding for the government employees who were to oversee the projects.
  5. Shoddy construction: Same answer as previous line.
  6. Project was never finished on time and is way over budget: We told you, reviving America was not going to easy. It is not a one year or ever a one term thing. We made some tough choices and we have to stay the course and actually we may need a surge of another $100 Billion to win.
It sounds lobbyist firms are going to be busy hiring all the crooks from wall street who lost their jobs first cooking books, then selling worthless bonds now re-tooling America. I am so elated. Recession is over my friends lets open that bottle champagne and start day trading again.

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