Friday, April 10, 2009

Adjusting to humans victory over natural selection

As humans we have pretty eliminated natural as a selection factor in population growth. Our safety nets ensures that virtually every one of has, an opportunity to pass their genes on, in spite of, any genetic frailties, plain old stupidity etc. In fact we have turned natural selection on it head. Educated and affluent population, which seems to have an advantage, fails miserably when it comes procreation. At the same time, scientific (and social) advances has also resulted in ballooning population, around the world. Tilting the balance to those, who seem to want to turn the development clock backwards. In my opinion, this is paving the way for natural selection process to come back to power.

Our current social systems are failing in many ways and ensuring misery for those who don't genetically fit into it.

Example 1: Each individuals burns calories differently, but some how we universal 2000 calories a day recommendation. Here ideally we would have a system which empowers individuals to take advantage of, or overcome his/her genetic disposition to have an optimal life.

Example 2: Due population growth and lack of sufficient awareness, there is rampant over fishing and dramatic falls in fisheries around the globe. What is growing, the super trawlers with 100s of crew members, barbaric practices like culling millions of sharks for just their fins. Ideally we would have growth in population of individuals, who would not only seek benefit from the environment, but also ensure that it is available for future generations to enjoy.

What can we change or do we need to here ?

I think, the factory model, the one thing fits all model, has to go. What do I mean by the factory model ? Here is an example, each kid learns differently. But our education system resembles a factory. If you can't absorb information through the preferred text book medium in bland class rooms setting, sorry you are out of luck. Countless number of kids, who can be called extremely smart, are failed by the system. These kids are supposed to have a genetic advantage, instead many of them land up on the wrong side of the society. Another example the "correction" system, which takes in petty criminals and produce hardened criminals out of them. Even though we are long winded while exalting individuality, we provide every one with a square pant and say good luck.

I also posted this @ Facebook :Evolution is NOT a theory: it's scientific fact!.

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